Saturday, November 7, 2009

Gastritis. More Condition_symptoms What Foods Are Good To Eat When You Have Gastritis?

What foods are good to eat when you have gastritis? - gastritis. more condition_symptoms

I have chronic gastritis, when I suddenly get it and can not eat for the day or from nausea for days. I am currently Nexium, but I feel the pain. What can I eat that will not hurt my stomach? Thank you!


Flatland... said...

Coconut water is an excellent remedy for gastritis. There is the stomach necessary rest and provides vitamins and minerals. The stomach is a big help, if nothing else coconut water is given during the first twenty-four hours.

Rice gruel is an excellent source for acute cases. A cup of rice gruel is recommended twice a day. In chronic cases, where the flow of gastric juice is poor, food, and require continued vigorous mastication are beneficial because they can induce a greater flow of gastric juice.

Potato juice has proved useful in relieving gastritis. The recommended dose is half a cup of juice, two or three times a day for half an hour before meals.

The grass has been surprisingly found benefit in the treatment of gastritis. An infusion of the herb in doses of one teaspoon can be taken orally twice daily.

Gastritis Diet
Home Remedies suggested by users

The patient must fast from two of the three days or more, depending on the severity of the disease. If only warm water to drink During this time. This rest will be in the stomach and thus the condition that causes toxic to relieve inflammation.

After the acute symptoms subsided, the patient should all fruit diet for the next three days and take juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, grapefruit, orange, pineapple, peach and melon.

Avoid alcohol, tobacco and snuff, spices, meat, sweet, strong tea and coffee
Patients should avoid alcohol, tobacco and tobacco, spices, meat, pepper, sour foods, pickles, coffee and strong tea. You should also avoid cakes, sweet, rich cakes and aerated waters.

Yogurt and cottage cheese should be used freely. So many different foods should not be mixed in the same meal. Should eat at least two hours before going to bed at night. Eight to ten glasses of water should be taken daily but water should not be taken with meals, since it dilutes digestive juices and slows digestion. Above all, haste should be avoided while eating and meals are served in a relaxed atmosphere.

You can thengradually in a balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits.

Applying heat with a heating pad or hot water bottle, twice a day, or help on an empty stomach or two hours after meals.

Avoid hard physical, mental work, not to worries.Do work.Avoid severely physically and mentally.

Breathing exercises are essential, as are hiking, swimming and golf. ...
Eat at regular times each day. Do not share your eating six small meals if you do not get enough to eat. Eating too often can increase stomach acid.

Keep your intake of milk and milk products to 3 servings per day or less. Choose low-fat or fat-free milk costs as much as possible. It also controls the production of stomach acid.

Alcohol, red pepper and black pepper, chili powder, pepper, and often irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach. Foods with caffeine can increase the amount of stomach acid. These foods include coffee (regular and decaffeinated), tea, cola, cocoa

Flatland... said...

Coconut water is an excellent remedy for gastritis. There is the stomach necessary rest and provides vitamins and minerals. The stomach is a big help, if nothing else coconut water is given during the first twenty-four hours.

Rice gruel is an excellent source for acute cases. A cup of rice gruel is recommended twice a day. In chronic cases, where the flow of gastric juice is poor, food, and require continued vigorous mastication are beneficial because they can induce a greater flow of gastric juice.

Potato juice has proved useful in relieving gastritis. The recommended dose is half a cup of juice, two or three times a day for half an hour before meals.

The grass has been surprisingly found benefit in the treatment of gastritis. An infusion of the herb in doses of one teaspoon can be taken orally twice daily.

Gastritis Diet
Home Remedies suggested by users

The patient must fast from two of the three days or more, depending on the severity of the disease. If only warm water to drink During this time. This rest will be in the stomach and thus the condition that causes toxic to relieve inflammation.

After the acute symptoms subsided, the patient should all fruit diet for the next three days and take juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, grapefruit, orange, pineapple, peach and melon.

Avoid alcohol, tobacco and snuff, spices, meat, sweet, strong tea and coffee
Patients should avoid alcohol, tobacco and tobacco, spices, meat, pepper, sour foods, pickles, coffee and strong tea. You should also avoid cakes, sweet, rich cakes and aerated waters.

Yogurt and cottage cheese should be used freely. So many different foods should not be mixed in the same meal. Should eat at least two hours before going to bed at night. Eight to ten glasses of water should be taken daily but water should not be taken with meals, since it dilutes digestive juices and slows digestion. Above all, haste should be avoided while eating and meals are served in a relaxed atmosphere.

You can thengradually in a balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits.

Applying heat with a heating pad or hot water bottle, twice a day, or help on an empty stomach or two hours after meals.

Avoid hard physical, mental work, not to worries.Do work.Avoid severely physically and mentally.

Breathing exercises are essential, as are hiking, swimming and golf. ...
Eat at regular times each day. Do not share your eating six small meals if you do not get enough to eat. Eating too often can increase stomach acid.

Keep your intake of milk and milk products to 3 servings per day or less. Choose low-fat or fat-free milk costs as much as possible. It also controls the production of stomach acid.

Alcohol, red pepper and black pepper, chili powder, pepper, and often irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach. Foods with caffeine can increase the amount of stomach acid. These foods include coffee (regular and decaffeinated), tea, cola, cocoa

Shin said...

You can eat soft food first and if the symptoms disappear
you can eat a normal diet.

Shin said...

You can eat soft food first and if the symptoms disappear
you can eat a normal diet.

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